Who we are

About CWS

When you have an important project to deliver it can be tricky getting the right people to partner with.

At CWS we know what it takes to help you deliver your project. We work to build long term partnerships with companies who value good communication, creative input and a realistic approach to project delivery.

Our expertise encompasses creative and technical input, so that we can work with you to deliver what you need in a project.

Why work with CWS?

We have a solid project delivery process to ensure every project results in a successful outcome for our clients. Our approach is always to find solutions that commit to what our clients want to achieve and we do this in the following way:

Clarity: In defining the problem so we can understand what success looks like for our clients

Creativity: In developing the best solutions inline with our clients' requirements and budget.

Commitment: In our ongoing relationship with our clients to think and act proactively.

As a business we have combined experience of over 30 years in web design and development, and work according to the latest practices and standards.

A brief history

CWS originally launched in 2013 with a simple mission of providing high quality technical expertise to businesses, charities and other agencies that didn't have the in-house capabilities. In 2015 we expanded our service offerings to include all things design including brandingweb design and digital marketing.

We are proud to say that today we are still working closely with some of our very first clients.

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Eames.com - A Global E-commerce Marketplace

Find out how we built eames.com from nothing to a global marketplace

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CWS Sky Blue Circle

We work with clients of various sizes and across a wide range of sectors. We provide the following services:


Focused brand strategy and identity design. We create impactful and memorable brands that connect with their target audience.

Brand Strategy Visual Identity Graphic Design

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing solutions driven by results, designed to enhance your online presence and engagement, fuelling business growth.

PPC SEO Email Marketing Social Media


Efficient web-based systems, leveraging database-driven digital products to streamline operations and enhance user engagement.

Marketing Ecommerce Web Apps