Design Inspiration: Chapter 2 Branding and Packaging


Rach Brind-Surch

12th September 2018

At CWS we work on a variety of design projects and so it’s really important that we stay aware of trends and work that is being noticed or considered successful. Looking at other agencies' work is both inspiring and interesting. This week I was exploring some branding work, specifically related to product packaging, when I discovered some work by London based Design company BTL Brands.

Having attended the national beacon of sporting prowess that is Loughborough University and with CWS being situated within a stones throw of its campus, I am more than familiar with the typical look and feel of fitness and wellbeing products. Despite my sad lack of personal use of such things, I can accurately spot a protein supplement. Supplements like these are generally packaged in a chunky oversized white or black plastic jar, plastered with half lit midriffs in peak physical condition. That is what I expect from your average protein powder: medicinal, masculin and a bit too bulky to be convenient. So you can imagine my delight and surprise when I stumbled across Chapter 2.

Chapter 2 a new, French, protein powder aimed at your average consumer, those who are not gym bunnies, or ‘ripped’ but want to get a bit healthier. ‘Approachable’ is the word of the day for this brand and with its soft pastel shades and powdery textured, cylindrical containers Chapter 2 looks more like a delicious milkshake then a fitness aid.

Its gentle palette sits well alongside brighter aspirational lifestyle shots of healthy, ‘normal’ shaped individuals jogging through a park or stretching in their studio flat. Shunning the often darker, shadowy palettes of traditional health products. 

I love the clean, uncluttered design. The flash of copper in the neat, balanced logo adds a premium feel, whilst the round friendly serif text is clearly legible, making the product easy to use and understand. It’s miles away from the bold fonted, science-heavy, medicinal approach taken by other leading fitness brands.

This could easily be mistaken for a hot chocolate, or confection, transforming it from a fitness tool to a treat. It does not shout its purpose, which for someone just stepping into the health and fitness scene is far less intimidating.

BTL have certainly widened the appeal of this product and created a paired back, but well thought out piece of packaging and branding. It can proudly sit alongside other drinks products rather than being hidden under the sink or in the garage.

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